Gonzalo de Berceo

1197 (about) - 1264 (before), Middle Ages

Key Points
  • First Castilian poet known by name

  • Refined religious verse style

  • Portraits a simple and pure religious faith with abundance of rustic images, picturesque details and everyday scenes (Lateran reforms)

  • He is a vulgarizer of Christian theology

  • Excellent example of the religious poem style Mester de Clerecía

  • Use of the “cuaderna vía” verse (14- syllable verses arranged in quatrains with a single rhyme)

  • He transferred numerous vocabulary from Latin into Spanish

  • Great source to understand medieval theological thought

Relevant Works
  • Milagros de Nuestra Señora

  • Duelo de la virgen

  • Loores de la Virgen

  • Del scarifico de la misa

  • Los signos del juicio final

  • Vida de San Millán de la Cogolla

  • Vida de Santo Domingo de Silos

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