Iñigo Lopez de Mendoza (Marqués de Santillana)

1398 - 1458, Middle Ages

Key Points
  • Descendant of a long line of noble poets and military men

  • Remarkable both in the literary field, as well as in the politics and armed conflicts of his time

  • Renowned translator of ancient texts

  • Cultivated a wide variety of literary styles

  • Endeavored to adapt the then fashionable Italian sonnet to Castilian forms

  • Sonnets, 'serranillas', dialogued poems, and lyrical songs constitute most of his lyrical work

Relevant Works
  • Serranillas

  • Canciones y decires

  • Cantar que fizo el marqués de Santillana a sus fijas lando se hermosura

  • Infierno de los enamorados

  • Denfussión de don Enrique de Villena

  • Prohemio e carta al condestable don Pedro de Portugal

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